Negative Balance Protection


Negative Balance Protection Solid-Shield

Volatility often occurs in the market. Solid ECN has always been committed to the highest standards, with the Solid-Shied feature, the traders don’t have to worry about having a negative balance. This means that even under highly volatile situations when margin calls and stop-outs do not function accurately, no client is responsible for paying back a negative balance.

Solid-Shield automatically adjustments the balance to zero in case the balance becomes negative after a stop-out. The process of reset can take 12 - 24 hours. Please consider that before making a new deposit.

Start trading with Solid ECN

Solid ECN gives multiple account types on the MetaTrader 5 trading platform.

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Sofia, PO Box 1407,14 Flip Kutev Str. Floor 2, Industrial area Hladilnika, Bulgaria
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+35 924 928 392

Risk Warnings
Solid ECN Securities LLC offers trading on Foreign Exchange (‘Forex’ or ‘FX’) and Contracts for Difference (‘CFDs’), which are complex financial products that are traded on margin. They carry a high level of risk since leverage can work both to your advantage and disadvantage. As a result, these products may not be suitable for all investors, as loss of all invested capital may occur. You should not risk more than you are prepared to lose. Before deciding to trade, you need to ensure that you understand the risks involved and consider your investment objectives and level of experience. Seek independent advice, if necessary.
Solid ECN Securities LLC does not issue advice, recommendations or opinions in relation to acquiring, holding or disposing of a CFD. Solid ECN Securities LLC is not a financial advisor and all services are provided on an execution-only basis. This communication is not an offer or solicitation to enter into a transaction and shall not be construed as such.
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